On the basis of articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law for Protecting Personal Information Held by Private Parties, we inform you that ILUMINACIÓN ESPECIALIZADA DE OCCIDENTE S.A. DE C.V., from here on Tecnolite, with its address at AV. DR. ANGEL LEAÑO 401, NAVE 2, INT. B, FRACC. LOS ROBLES, ZAPOPAN, JALISCO 45134 Mexico is responsible for collecting your personal information, any use made thereof and its protection.
Your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services and products you have requested; to notify you of new services or products related to those you have already hired or acquired; to inform you of changes in them; to carry out studies or programs needed to determine consumer habits; to make periodical assessments of our products and services for the purpose of improving their quality; to evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to fulfill the obligations we have acquired with you.
For the aforementioned purposes, we need to obtain the following personal information:
It is important to inform you that you have the right to Access, Rectify and Cancel your personal information, to Object to the processing of it or to revoke any consent you have given for this purpose.
Information about cookies
This website uses cookies in order to help us analyze how users use the website. A cookie is a small file that is sent to the user's computer each time they visit the website. For example, when the user returns to the site, cookies help us identify their browser. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service by Google.
Users can set their browser up to block all cookies. In this case, they may not be able to access all the features the website has. Cookies are not used to collect personal information; only statistical information.
To this end, you must send the application in the terms set forth in the Law in its Art. 29 to the Corporate Risk Department, responsible for our Department of Personal Data Protection, located at AV. DR. ANGEL LEAÑO 401, NAVE 2, INT. B, FRACC. LOS ROBLES, ZAPOPAN, JALISCO 45134 Mexico, or else contact us by calling (33) 38360300 or via e-mail at protecciondatos@tecnolite.com.mx, which we would ask you to confirm by telephone to assure its proper reception.
You have the right to start a Rights Protection Procedure at the Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection (www.ifai.gob.mx) within the 15 working days following the date you receive a response from Tecnolite or from the completion of the 20 working days term from the reception of your rights exercise application having no response from us.
Furthermore, we inform you that your information may be transferred to entities of the same interest group of the company, either national or foreign, for the general purpose of fulfilling the objectives for which you have provided your information. Specific purposes: sending catalogues and printed material, newsletters and satisfaction surveys.
In this sense your information may be shared with the following listed companies: Sepomex, Verticecom, Data Minning, Nos Prende lo que Hacemos, Construlita Lighting International S.A. de C.V, Licencia para FCrear S.A. DE C.V.
Should we receive no express objection from you for the transfer of your personal information in the manner and terms described above, we will construe that you have tacitly given your consent thereto.
Acceptance of the terms. This Privacy Statement constitutes a legal agreement between you and AMIPCI. If the user uses the services of this web site, it means they have read, understood and consented to the terms outlined above.
If you do not wish to receive promotional messages from us, you may send us your request to protecciondatos@tecnolite.com.mx
Important: You may consult any modification to this Privacy Notice at http://www.tecnolite.com.mx
Last update: 12/27/2013